Week beginning 12th June

Date: 15th Jun 2017 @ 2:09pm

Hello everyone,

We've had a super week so far in Y2. In our maths lessons we've been using the balance scales and the scales for estimating and measuring the mass of different objects.  For our homework this week we had to choose four different items from the cupboard, estimate their mass using kilograms and grams, put them in weight order and then finally look at the labels to see if we were correct!  After we had challenged ourselves the next task was to see if a grown-up could do it.  

We've had lots of fun exploring in groups to work out which objects were heavier or lighter than a kilogram and which objects weighed about the same.  There were some surprises.  We've even had a go at converting grams into kilograms and vice versa.

We've had lots of discussion about "Rules" this week and why we have them.  Some of us went on a walk around school this week, looking for any rules we could spot which help to keep us happy and safe.  We listened to a story about making the right choices and then we had lots of fun acting it out and making up an ending for the story.  We thought of lots of words to do with "Friendship and Love" and put these words onto a footprint.  We took our footprints into the hall and made a Pathway to the rules of love and followed the pathway around the hall, looking at, and commenting on, everyone's ideas. It was lovely.

See you all next week smiley