Week 2 Home Learning

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 8:26am

Good morning everyone, 

Hope you are all well and are ready for Week 2 of Home School.  

Today you could write your diary about your weekend.  Why not try using the diary template in 2Publish Plus on Purple Mash? 2type is another really good program which helps to develop your keyboard skills as well as practising spelling.   This week's spelling list is: 

enjoyment, sadness, playful, careful, happiness, happily

this list is exploring suffixes (ment, ness, ful, ly).  There are some interactive games to help with spelling words with suffixes on spelling play.


I know lots of you are joining Joe Wicks for his "kick-start" to the day every week day  morning at 9am - well done - this is a great way to start the day.

I mentioned the White Rose Maths home learning last week, there is a lesson a day so have a look, this week it's continuing work on fractions.  It is very good and follows so closely what we have been doing in school. Don't forget to keep on practising those times tables.  I can see those children who have been using Times Tables Rockstars to practise - you are going to be so good with all this extra practice.Some of you have looked at Carol Vorderman's the mathsfactor.com which is another great way of keeping up with your maths.

Reading is so important and we are all great readers in Y2. Ask a grown up to search booktrust.org.uk/hometime, there are some great author and illustrator activities here. Cressida Cowell is reading "How to train your dragon" and its just like listening to a story in school.

For those of you who love art, ask a grown up to help you search children's illustrators, some of them are offering drawing challenges.

Bye for now,

Mrs TDsmiley