Wednesday & Thursday of Health & Wellbeing Week

Date: 21st Jun 2018 @ 2:28pm

Wow!  What a couple of days we' ve had!    It all started Wednesday morning where we played dodgeball, basketball, hockey, rounders, cricket and handball.  It was great fun and we even managed to dodge the rain!!

After that we did some more circle time which we all enjoyed and then it was off to the rugby.  That was amazing.  We did tag drills, played hungry hippos and learned passing and kicking skills.  We finished it off with a game of tag rubgy and Grace, Anya and Harry achieved best team players within their groups.

Thursday started in the morning with the daily mile - although we actually did 2 miles!   Then we were straight onto the climbing wall and assault course!  It was amazing - even Mrs Hrab, the oldest teacher in school, managed to get to the top.

We then had Mrs Barr, an A & E Doctor come to talk to us about her life as a doctor.  She has an amazing job and has had to work really hard to get to where she is now.  We asked her all kinds of questions about the things that she sees on a daily basis and her worst case that she has worked on.

On Thursday afternoon, we took part in a badminton session- that was loads of fun! We even got a voucher for a free session at Broadway Badminton in Sutton! We then went into a yoga session with Avril from Mitchy Titch, which was very relaxing. By the end of the session, we were all almost asleep (including teachers!)