Wednesday 8th July

Date: 6th Jul 2020 @ 2:58pm

*Please note that the suggested activities are not compulsory. They should be lots of fun and engaging for your child. Little and often is always best; spending just a few minutes at a time playing the games. All games and activities can be revisited throughout summer. 



Today's activities will focus on Phonics. Phonics is a method of teaching children to read and write. Early Phonics teaching focuses on developing children’s listening skills. This phase of phonics is crucial for successful reading and writing.



Good morning friends!

How are you today?

Did you enjoy being a robot on Monday? Did you use a robot voice? I’ve got some more voice games for you to play. They're very silly and so much fun! Click on Voice Sounds below to play.

I’m also sending you a rhyming game. Can you look at the picture and find another picture that rhymes with it? Can you think of some more rhyming pairs? See you if you can hear any rhyming words next time you read a story. Julia Donaldson’s stories are great for rhyming words.

Thank you for all the messages and photos you are sending. I love hearing about all the fun you're having! It puts a big smile on my face!


Have you seen the new post on our Gallery? Go and have a look - you'll see photos of all your new friends! 


 Who will be on my list of superstars today? Click on the Superstars post to find out 


Have a fun day everyone. I will write to you on Friday. 

Miss Davies heart

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