Wednesday 8th July Blog

Date: 1st Jul 2020 @ 2:19pm

It's Wednesday!!!!

Half-way through, already!

I hope you are all having a good week so far?

Has anybody got any amazing work to send me?

Speaking of amazing work!

Mrs Hymers wanted me to give a HUGE SHOUTOUT to Oliver B, who blew her away yesterday (on his first day in Keyworker school) when she tested him on his times tables and he not only knew them off-by-heart, but could recall them at lightning speed!

Well done, Oliver :) it just shows what persistence and determination does!


Work for today:



BBC BITESIZE: Junior Shakespeare: The Tempest 

Home Learning Pack: Modal verbs



‘Can do Maths’: Workouts B and F

Home Learning Pack: Adding mixed numbers




Over this week and next week, I want you to add some information to your projects- ‘The History of St Helens Rugby League.’

Find out as much information as you can about Saints’ past here


BBC BITESIZE: Drama: Theatre Games


Until tomorrow :)

Miss Davies