Wednesday 6th May Blog Week 5

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 12:48pm

Good morning, children!

I hope you are all happy and continuing to enjoy this lovely weather 😊

Some Reading news!

JK Rowling announced on Twitter this morning that they are going to be treating us all to readings of the whole of the first Harry Potter book, ‘The Philosopher’s Stone’. The first chapter is even read by Daniel Radcliffe himself! Listen to it here:


How are you all getting on with projects or the Science I set you yesterday? I hope you are finding the work okay, and not too difficult!



So VE Day is fast approaching, and we have spoken about it lots on here, the blog and mentions on the Newsletter etc, so I thought I would attach some activities for you to do at home, which are at the bottom of the page, in case you have no decorations just yet.  It is really important that we celebrate this 75-year Anniversary as it is a reminder of our freedom, but most importantly, the sacrifice and commitment of all of those soldiers during World War 2.  

If any of you decorate and/ or celebrate- be sure to take some pictures if you can, and share them with everybody 😊


Work today:

So having given you lots to do yesterday, I’ll list a few BBC Bitesize lessons for today, and along with the Science, VE Day activities and the blog, I am hoping this is enough as I don’t want to bombard you!

Remember to keep reading- listening to Harry Potter is a great start if you have never read it, or just want to listen to it again read by Daniel Radcliffe.

TT ROCKSTARS seems a huge hit so keep that going, too!

I am also trying to go on the blog and approve posts and comments as much as possible😊 There were lots this morning which is great!


Maths: Short Division

English: Using alliteration and onomatopoeia in setting descriptions

Science: How Plants reproduce


Last but certainly not least, James sent a lovely email in this morning which I just HAD to share with you all. He has made a puppet doctor with his sister at home, which they are putting outside the house to support NHS workers. Well done, James! 😊


Keep busy and keep active, children! You are doing an amazing job!

Until tomorrow.

Miss Davies 😊

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