Wednesday 29th April

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 12:55pm

Hi all!

Just a short one today- I gave you plenty to do yesterday, so I am just checking in to make sure you are all ok and are working hard. 

Mrs Anderson told me that her son Tyler couldn't access the documents I attached to yesterday's email, so last night I deleted them and uploaded them again. They seem to be working fine now, but if you have any problems, you can email me and I will look into it. Alternatively, the information I have given you can be found online. Just Google 'Step into the NHS' and there is a website dedicated to the competition. You will find all the information there, too. yes

Now, for those of you who have whizzed through the project work, I have set some more 2dos on Purple Mash- mostly SPaG games and activities (on synonyms and antonyms, passive voice and cohesive devices- things I bang on about all the time!) If you fancy taking a break from project work, they are there for you to complete. I have set a time limit, so you only have until next Wednesday to complete them. 

Also, on the subject of Purple Mash, I have set two other activities for you to complete; I'd really like you to give them a go. The first one is an activity about your hopes for the year 2020. It is a nice way to think positively about the months to come and what you would like to achieve. The second activity is all about you and your ambitions for the future. It seemed fitting to choose this activity, as it links to our project on the NHS. Hopefully, by completing the tasks on the project, you have started to think about what you want to do in the future. This activity on Purple Mash will hopefully help you to put a plan together and make you more determined to achieve your goals. 

I have also attached a short reading comprehension to this blog post: I think you will really enjoy it. It is all about Captain Tom Moore, who I am sure you are all familiar with. Tomorrow is his 100th birthday, which is such an achievement, so I thought it was only right that we learned a little bit about him. The answers to the comprehension questions are attached to the blog, too, so no cheating please! wink

Finally, just a reminder that there are lots of things you can do on a daily basis if you're struggling to find things to keep busy.

1. Joe Wicks continues to provide daily PE lessons to help keep you fit.

2. Supermovers hold fun sessions which keep you active and keep you learning at the same time!

3. BBC Bitesize provide daily lessons on their website. 

4. White Rose Maths hold Maths Parties every day, where you can take part in fun, challenging maths lessons.

5. Click CEOP provide fortnightly packs for you to complete all about e-safety. 


That's it for today. Keep working hard and I will post the next part of your project tomorrow.


Mrs Naylorcheekysmiley

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