Wednesday 25th March

Date: 25th Mar 2020 @ 10:21am

Morning, children! smiley

I hope you are all well and keeping yourselves busy. We are three days into your first week of home learning now; by now, you should have made good progress with your home learning packs. Remember, you should ideally be completing 2 pages of maths and SPaG per day in these booklets (or you can complete some of your tests instead).


Don't forget to keep your body and mind active- Joe Wicks' PE lessons are proving very popular with children all over the country. It's a great way to burn off some energy and feel good. The link to his YouTube channel is Make sure you try to fit in some physical activity each day: ideally, it would be great if you could get active in the morning and then again after your lunch. You could play in the garden on a trampoline, pogo stick or with a football, or you could even make up your own exercises (why not make your family take part in a bootcamp?!) Physical exercise will not only help to wake you up and help you to concentrate, but it will make you feel better. 


As physical health is so important at a time like this, I have set you all some 2dos on Purple Mash. One of them is an activity all about different food groups, so you can remind yourselves of what we need to eat to have a healthy, balanced diet. Another activity I have set for you is to produce a leaflet all about microorganisms and how they can be helpful and harmful. There is also a handwashing activity for you to complete. Finally, I know you will have heard lots about Coronavirus, so I have set a special email task for you to complete. You will have an email from Dr Green, who will ask you about Coronavirus. You must email her back and give your advice. 


If you fancy a change, White Rose Maths are holding live home learning events on their website ( There are some great activities you can take part in on there- have a look!


Additionally, try using Serial Mash on Purple Mash if you want to lose yourself in a good book. The books are all split into 5 chapters so you can read as much or as little as you'd like. There is a quiz at the end of each book, too! 


That's it from me for today. Don't forget to keep working, keep moving and keep smiling!

I will speak to you all tomorrow.

Mrs Naylor laugh