Wednesday 22nd July

Date: 22nd Jul 2020 @ 8:33am

Well, Year 6, here it is: the final blog of your time in primary school has arrived!


Today is officially your last day as a primary school pupil. You will go on to much bigger and better things from today onwards, but please don't ever forget us. It has been a joy and a privilege to teach you all through the years, and this past year has been a particularly special one (even if it was cut short). You are all such loving, caring and kind people with big hearts, and I know that your new schools are going to love you just as much as we do. 


Today's task is really simple- reflect. I want you to spend some quiet time (whether that's in the garden, on your own in your bedroom or sharing your thoughts with your family). Reflection is the key to making changes. What have you enjoyed this year? What do you think you've done really well? These are the things you should want to keep doing in the future. Is there anything you think you could've done better this year? What do you want to work on in the coming years? Set yourself some targets for September and try your best to achieve them. You don't need to write anything down; just keep them in your head. 

Finally, I would like to wish you all a safe, relaxing summer holidays with your families. You have most definitely earned the rest (as I'm sure your parents have, too!). Get plenty of rest, do lots of the things you love, have time to unwind and just enjoy yourselves. The hard work begins again in September! 


Please don't forget to come back for our celebration in the Autumn term. We will be in touch in the near future with dates for this. It would be lovely to see you all together again in the new academic year to check in with you all, see how high school is going and to see how much you've grown. 


Well, Year 6, that's it from me! Thank you for being such a fantastic class to teach. Thank you for being so caring, thoughtful and positive. More importantly, thank you for being YOU. Don't ever change and keep working hard. I will speak to you all very soon.


Lots of love,


Mrs Naylor heart
