Wednesday 22nd April

Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 11:29am

Morning, children! 

I hope you are all well and working hard? I am missing seeing your little faces in school every day. I'm sure you are all missing school, too! wink


How are you getting on with this week's project? Try to use today to make a start on it. Don't forget you can email me through Purple Mash if you have any questions or just want to show me how you're getting on (I know a few of you have been emailing with questions already). I can't wait to hear all of the things you've learned about WWII. I hope you enjoy completing the activities! 


Remember to visit the BBC Bitesize website each day to complete the lessons they provide- they are only short. 

Also, don't forget to visit the website I showed you yesterday, which is all about online safety. Keep yourselves safe, children. yes

A couple of shout outs for today...

Happy Birthday, Beau! He celebrated his 11th birthday a few days ago. Here he is celebrating! 

Next, Logan has also been busy! He has sent across his game review from Purple Mash. Well done, Logan- this is great. 


Finally, Georgina has been busy making churros and friendship bracelets. Well done, Georgina. It's nice to see you keeping busy with some fun activities. Remember, it is just as important to have fun as it is to keep learning. 



That's it from me for today. I will speak to you again tomorrow. Oh and by the way, keep up the good work on Times Tables Rockstars- I am super impressed with your times. Can anyone catch up to Hope? She's a speedster! 

Bye for now!


Mrs Naylor  cheeky