Wednesday 22nd April Blog

Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 10:43am


Hello again, Year 5!


Well, we are half-way through the week already- can you believe it?


Sticking to themes- as yesterday was all about Creativity and Innovation, today is officially ‘Earth Day’. Across the globe, Earth Day is celebrated on 22nd April to remind people of all of the amazing efforts going on to look after our planet.


So, with that in mind, you could spend some of today creating a poster all about Earth Day- to inform people about how we need to look after our planet and tell them all about what Earth Day raises awareness of!?

Use this website to help you. There is a lot of information about Earth Day and plenty of facts for you to include in your poster.

National Geographic Kids-



So, I had a fantastic email off Sonny and his sister, Tilly this morning. Their family have been very busy over the Easter holidays filming a part in a film remake called ‘Project 88: Back to the Future Too’, which is based on the original ‘Back to the Future’ films. There are over 300 people from all over the world who have taken part in it, and Sonny and Tilly were so good that they got to create a scene and star in it themselves!

Here is a picture they sent me this morning, from IMDb, which is a well-known app that people use to look up actors, films and reviews! It has even had over 96,000 views on YouTube!


Well done, Sonny and Tilly! What an amazing experience to take part in!


Some more super-cool news:

So, the highlight of my day at the moment is reading some of the things you have been up to in the diaries you are writing on Purple Mash. It is so lovely to hear all of the creative things you are doing with your families or even on your own at home! I really hope some of you don’t mind me sharing some of these things on here:

George had a giant African land snail delivered to his house the other day and has called it Turbo! I am very jealous!

Anna says she has been enjoying eating her lunch each day in the garden- even if her guinea pigs keep eating all of her grass!

Dylan now has over 100,000 coins on TT Rockstars! WOW!! He has also been learning all about the War of the Roses.

Maya is sticking to her timetable every day and has been enjoying cooking with her mum, doing art with her sister, and generally spending time with her family. She is even finding time for herself to do the things she is passionate about- including dancing and singing!

Jayden has been watching lots of ‘Deadly 60’ with his brothers at home and enjoys taking Bella out for a walk during his hour of exercise outside. He has also been on his trampoline lots, too!


More activities:

- I have uploaded a couple of reading comprehensions for you at the bottom of the page related to Brazil. There is a Rainforest poem, a non-fiction football text and a story about a little boy who loves football and lives in a Favela (which is the name of the poorer areas or ‘slums’ in Brazil).- I will post the answers tomorrow!

-For Maths: have a go at page 35 in the activity booklet I uploaded on Monday – there are some cool problems to look at!

-Keep up with Times Tables Rockstars, too!

(Remember, there is no pressure to get all of these activities done on the day I post them, they are just things you can choose to have a go at and go back to on other days if you don’t get round to them. I won’t post as many tomorrow, as I think you have plenty to be getting on with here.)

I’ll speak to you all tomorrow!

Stay safe, and remember to exercise!


Miss Davies 😊

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