Wednesday 1st July

Date: 30th Jun 2020 @ 10:07pm

*Note to parents -  Please note, activities are not compulsory. Try to spend only a few minutes at a time playing the games and make them lots of fun for your child – little and often is best. All games and activities can be revisited throughout summer.

Wednesday's activities will focus on Phonics. Phonics is a method of teaching children to read and write. Early phonics teaching at the start of Reception focuses on developing children’s listening skills. This phase is intended to develop children’s listening, vocabulary and speaking skills.


Good morning children smiley

I hope you are all happy and well. Did you enjoy playing a board game with your family on Monday? I had a lovely time playing snakes and ladders, with my family. Did you remember to take turns? laugh I know that Olivia had a wonderful time playing mini beast bingo with her mummy. Amelia also played a board game. Amelia played her new game 'Bus Stop'. It looked like so much fun! Thanks for sending me an email girls, I can't wait to meet you. I love to read your emails, they make me very happy!


Today, we are going to be listening to lots of different sounds. Do you have a favourite sound? I have a favourite sound! Would you like to know what it is? My favourite sound is little birds tweeting. I love listening to the birds singing in the morning. Have you ever heard the birds singing in the morning?


I have attached some fun listening challenges to our blog for you to try. Have you got your listening ears ready?


Have a lovely day children. I will write to you again, on Friday. 

Take Care heart

Mrs Amor x


A Big St Mary's Welcome

Welcome to our first friends of Reception 2020. Say a big hello to Olivia and Amelia. They look like they are having lots of fun playing board games at home. If you would like your photo on our class blog, send a photograph via email to I can't wait to see all your smiling faces smiley

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