Wednesday 1st July Blog

Date: 25th Jun 2020 @ 2:57pm

Hello, Year 5!

Half-way through the week again!

How has your week been so far?

I’m missing seeing pictures of your work, so feel free to send anything in you have been doing (it doesn’t have to go up on the blog if you don’t want it to).


Work for today:


  • BBC Bitesize: Using register for posters and leaflets
  • Home Learning Pack: Improving your writing with proof-reading.


  • BBC Bitesize: Angles on a straight line
  • Home Learning Pack: Perimeter of Rectilinear shapes
  • Activity Mat 3 (on Monday’s blog)



Here’s a website all about ‘Glass’- find out as many facts as you can for your ST HELENS PROJECT!  You could also watch the video from Monday again and see if there is anything interesting in that about glass! Use your wonderful investigative skills to search the internet for lots of fun facts!


Science: Evolution


One of the following 60 second exercise challenges:

Or you could check out more of these workouts:


Write tomorrow 😊

Miss Davies