Wednesday 1st April

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 1:34pm

Hello, you lot!

Well, today is not only a new day, but a new month, too. I hope none of you have been pulling pranks on your parents! 

How are you all? I hope you are all well and working hard. By now, you should have made a great start on your home learning packs and tests that were sent home. I am really hoping you are writing every day as well. Don't forget to send your writing across so I can read it once it's done. 

I have really enjoyed reading all of your diary entries on Purple Mash: lots of you are getting up to great things. Olivia has helped her dad do some painting, Beau has done a 6k run with his mum (and beat her), Harry has been learning sign language and Caitlin has been perfecting her understanding of fractions and decimals, as well as making her very own volcano! Hearing about what you are getting up to is great. I have to say, I am so proud of each and every one of you. You are all working so so hard at home. It makes me very proud to be your teacher. Keep up the brilliant work, Year 6. You are all superstars. 


Speaking of superstars, I have 3 shout outs today. The first shout out goes to Beau. Beau, you are blowing me away with how hard you are working! I am especially impressed with your most recent maths score (103!) and your Titanic newspaper article. You really are a superstar. Keep up the good work, Mr Booshner. 

My next shout out goes to Cameron. Your volcano artwork is excellent and I can tell you have spent a long time on it. Well done. 

Finally, my third star of the day has got to be James. His leaflet on hand washing was very interesting and informative to read. He has been working incredibly hard on Purple Mash completing his 2dos. What I am most pleased with about James, Cameron and Beau is that they are putting in lots of effort. Being away from school, it is easy to forget about the expectations of year 6 (and how picky I can be!), but these boys have not rushed any work. All of their work has been done to a great standard, so for that, I am really proud. Here is James' leaflet for you to look at. 


Have any of you been taking part in Oti Mabuse's dance classes? They look like great fun! I have read several diary entries from children who have been taking part in Joe Wicks' P.E. lessons each day, which is absolutely fantastic. Please keep doing it!  Remember, there are lots of things online you can do. Every day, White Rose Marhs hold a maths party, where you can join in and take part in fun maths activities. Why not give it a try? Just follow this link... 


Times Tables Rockstars is still being used by lots of you. Currently, our Tumes Tables Rockstar is Maizie (again!) Big well done to Kate, who is following closely behind. For those of you who haven't yet used it, please give it a try: it really is fun. You can even challenge me to a tables battle!

Now, I told you on Monday that I am going to be learning a new skill. I know some of you have been wondering what I am going to be learning. I have received a few guesses from children, but none have been correct so far. These guesses have included knitting, crocheting and sign language. Sorry guys- you need to keep guessing! Today, I am going to give you another little clue. In order to learn this new skill, I need a piece of equipment. Think you know it now?

That's it from me for now. In the meantime, keep working hard and completing your diary entries so I can see what you are getting up to. It is lovely hearing from you all and reading your work on Purple Mash. 

Speak to you tomorrow!
Mrs Naylor