Wednesday 17th June Blog

Date: 16th Jun 2020 @ 9:54am

Hello everybody!

is here!

We are half-way through the week already!


As it is still ‘Refugee Week’ this week, I thought I would give you a few nice activities to do-

  1. Read the PowerPoint information about Refugees
  2. Have a go at either *     **     or *** reading worksheets about Refugees- this sheet helps you to draw inferences about a piece of text (using clues to reach a conclusion about something when it isn’t literally explained already).
  3. Take a look at some of the artwork the children in school have completed-


it is art based on the life of a refugee- the sad place they have come from vs the happy place they may have arrived in.

You could draw images of the actual places or use symbols and make it more abstract. Maybe use black and white on one side and lots of colour on the other!




Have a look at this daily fitness challenge:

You could spell the day of the week, your name, your pet’s name, anything, each day!



  • I have also attached a Maths Measurement worksheet for you at the bottom of the page, along with some problem solving and reasoning questions.



BBC Bitesize has some great lessons on today, too:


English- Writing nonsense poems

Maths- Adding decimals using formal methods

Science- The Circulatory System



Hopefully you have plenty to do here, alongside your St Helens projects (which I will give you more activities for, tomorrow!)


Write to you all in the morning.


Miss Davies 😊

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