Wednesday 15th July

Date: 15th Jul 2020 @ 8:42am

Good Morning, Year 6.


I hope you are all well and are continuing to work hard from home. Not long to go until the end of the school year, now. I can't believe the time has almost come for you to leave! crying


Today, in school, we are going to be writing a poem all about our time at St. Mary's. We are going to be writing a verse about each year group we have been in throughout the years and any memories we have of that year. Why not try it at home yourself? I would love to hear your ideas and who knows, maybe you could even contribute to our poem in school. It would be great if everyone could be involved in this.


Did anyone manage to write down their favourite memory of school and the thing they are most proud of? In school, we did this yesterday and these are going to go on our leavers' PowerPoint, so don't forget to email yours to school so I can include you in the slideshow. 


We have also been thinking about our hopes and dreams for the future over the past couple of days. It is important at times of change that we think about where we are now and where we want to be in the future; that way, we can make a plan to help get ourselves there. Some of us in school said we wanted to get married, have children, own a nice car, get a job in a field we were passionate about and live a happy life with those we love. If you can, try this at home. Think about what you want to achieve in the future (professionally and personally). You might want to go to university, learn to drive, buy your own house or have lots of pets! 


Not long to go now until the weekend, guys. Try to get some more tasks done from Monday's list of ideas. We also need to keep up with daily times tables and reading to make sure our brains are still in top working order for September. 


If you are going to St. Peter's in September, don't forget to pick up your copy of 'Coraline' if you haven't already. Once you have your copy, check the blog I have posted for St. Peter's attendees- attached to this blog is all the information you need on what to do with the book and activities that you need to complete. 


That's it for now. I will check in again tomorrow!


Mrs Naylor heart