Wednesday 10th June Blog

Date: 9th Jun 2020 @ 6:34pm

Good morning, children!



We are officially half-way through the week!


I have given you a lot to do these past few days, so I will keep it brief today.



I said I would tell you more about the pictures from yesterday, so here goes. There is plenty of fascinating reading for you to have a look at:

Picture 1 from 1882 is a picture of Providence Hospital. 1882 is when it was founded by a lady called Mother Magdalen Taylor, who served as a nurse alongside Florence Nightingale. The hospital shut in 1982 and was on Tolver Street in St Helens.

Here is a picture of the outside of it, much later on:



Picture 2: 1899- The first electric trams where introduced to St Helens. At first, horses pulled them, then they ran on steam and finally electricity. There are no longer any trams in St Helens.

Here is some more information about transport back then:,on%205%20November%20that%20year.&text=The%20St%20Helens%20%26%20District%20Tramway,electric%20trams%20a%20decade%20later.


Picture 3: 1959- A picture of two men working at Pilkington Glass, demonstrating a new invention that Alastair Pilkington himself had founded- ‘Float Glass’. This is where glass is made in a way that means it is flat and doesn’t need polishing- which hadn’t been done before and was then used across the world (all because of a man from St Helens!)

If you want more information on this, visit: or



There is a lot to take in here- so use this as your reading, writing and topic work for today. Any extra information you can get from this will be great for your projects!



Here are some more measurement games:

Mathematics Shed also have lots of measuring activities to have a go at:


Don’t forget that daily exercise!

Write to you all tomorrow 😊

Miss Davies