Wednesday- Thursday Health and Wellbeing Week

Date: 21st Jun 2018 @ 11:48am

Health and Wellbeing Week


The children had an exciting day on Wednesday, beginning with a zumba class, which resulted in some very sweaty and energetic children!

As well as their usual Music and Spanish the children also had a visit from Sports Partnership, this was a great session including, tag games, cricket and dodgeball.

Unfortunately the weather took a turn for the worst and we didn't manage our daily mile today, however this meant we had a lovely, uplifting circle time where the children shared all of their favourite things about each other and what they were good at, meaning there were smiling faces all round.


We began today with our 24 laps of the track which left us all raring to start the morning. After this we began some work on our book 'Eat your Greens, Goldilocks!' with the children brainstorming how we could give a healthy twist to our favourite fairytales. The children began writing a blurb for their fairytale and will be designing new front covers tomorrow.

We also enjoyed a visit from Doctor Ciera who explained all about her job and what it entails, the children were very keen and thought of lots of questions!

Next the children relaxed with some yoga in the hall, an activity many had been looking forward to all week. The children practised different poses and stretches, which I'm sure you'll be treated to an enthusiastic demonstration of at home!

We also had a visit from Mountain Monkeys, who erected a large climbing wall on our playing field. The children loved having a go and really pushed themselves.

Finally, we finished the day by completing some work on healthy eating, the children designed their perfect, healthy  meal, based on our previous work on food groups.

The Y2 team smiley