WE 4th May

Date: 8th May 2018 @ 7:57am

Hi everyone, 

We've had a great week in schol last week and I hope you've all enjoyed the sunny bank holiday. What glorious weather we had for once!

Last week in school we continued with our Spread the Word topic in Come and See.  We talked about some important messages we think we receive when we read the Bible stories and we retold them in words and pictures.


In Literacy lessons we contniued to practise our reading comprehensions, using non-fiction texts about traditions from Africa and we started to read a traditional Africa story called "The Spider Weaver".  We finished our reports about African animals (they're amazing!) and this week we are going to edit and improve them using dictionaries and our purple pens.  We had an assessment reading and spelling words from the Common Exception Words list (sent home last term) - some of us have really improved.  The words we are still struggling to spell are being sent home this week for further practice.

In Numeracy we have been learning to read scales - looking at mass (kg g) and capacity (l and ml)  we have already learned how to measure in cm and m back in the autumn term.  Next week we are going to work on telling the time using our analogue clocks.

Some of us painted our stones and we are all enjoying the Hot and Cold topic where we are learning about a village in Ghana and how it compares to our village.  We enjoyed our computing lesson with Miss Clark and are looking forward to next week's lesson. We started out art lessons with Miss Simm and are going to continue this next week.

Here's to another busy week in Y2!

Mrs Talbot-Davies