WC 9th October

Date: 14th Oct 2017 @ 12:11pm

Hello everyone,

Last week before October half term  - it's going to be a busy one! Last week we enjoyed learning about Shabbat in our "Other Faiths - Judaism" week and we all agreed that Shabbat sounds like a lovely way to gather and catch up with family.  We listened to the Creation Story and sang the Creation Song, we all said it's become one of our favourite songs to sing as a class.

In Circle Time we talked about different words we can use to express our many emotions and then we looked at some pictures of different children and talked about what emotion we throught their facial expression was showing.  It was quite tricky - thoughtful or confused? Some were easier - happy looked quite different to sad!  We then imagined the different emotions Gregory had experienced on his holiday to Tobago, anxiety and nervousness mixed with happiness and excitement.  For our writing task we imagined we were Gregory and what he might write in his holiday diary.

We started a new unit on Addition and Subtraction in maths and enjoyed timing ourselves when we were practising our number bonds to 10.  We're going to try number bonds to 20 next week! We also tried some new methods looking at addition pairs  - we used a technique called "bar modelling" and "part whole modelling"  and explored ways of finding lots of related number facts, linking both addition and subtraction.  How clever are we!  

In reading we are developing our comprehension skills and last week we completed one based on "The Owl and the Pussy Cat" which is the poem we had learned to celebrate National Poetry Day.  

See you all next week - hope you have a happy weekend!

Mrs Talbot-Daviessmiley