wc 9/07/2018

Date: 12th Jul 2018 @ 2:28pm

Almost there!

We're really enjoying our last couple of weeks in Y2.  We loved the production on Tuesday afternoon "The Railway Children"  - it's nice to come together as a whole school.

Come and See

We have been listening to some gospel stories and some Psalms about the treasures we have in God's world.  We went outside and lay on the grass to take time to marvel at the world around us.  We were filled with a sense of awe and wonder and then went on to produce some lovely writing about God's World.  We have enjoyed looking at the CAFOD website and learning about how children all around the world can experience God's treasures in many different ways.


We had fun "cracking the code" in and outside of the classroom when we played A Times Table hunt.  We practised our number bonds to 20 in Bingo and played a Place Value Loop game (we were a bit rusty with this!)


We have been following the "Journey In Love" programme and learning about the different communities we belong to and why these communities are important to us.  We have explored all the different kinds of relationships we have and why they are special. We talked about the differences between boys and girls and named our different body parts.  

Transition Day

On Tuesday morning we had "swap around day" and had the opportunity to meet our new class teacher, Mrs Cotterill.  It was really useful getting to know our lovely new classroom and teacher.   I think we are all more than ready for life in Y3.

Tonight (Thursday) we begin saying our goodbyes to all of our Y6 children  - some of us in have brothers and sisters in Y6 and we are really going to miss them all.  We wish them the very best of luck.

Happy weekend  - see you all at the Summer Fayre tomorrow, straight after school.

Bye for now, 

The Y2 Team