WC 8/01/2018

Date: 11th Jan 2018 @ 3:49pm

Hello everyone,

Welcome back to the Spring Term 2018.  I hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year.  We have lots to cover this half term and it only lasts five weeks so we better get busy!

Our new class topic is "Once upon a time"  and we are looking at traditional tales in some detail, focusing on two in particular.  We are going to read, "The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig" and we are going to create our own version of Jack and the Beanstalk.  We are looking at the characters: what they say, do and look like.

Come and See

Our Come and See topic is looking at the books we use in Church and some of the Gospel stories.  Some of us went on a book hunt around school, investigating all the different kinds if books we can find.


We have been thinking about "Getting on and falling out" and we used Circle Time this week to think about giving and receiving compliments and the effect this has on our feelings.  We enjoyed looking at the ingredients for good friendships and what makes them work.


We have enjoyed estimating and measuring in metres and centimetres this week.  

See you all next week!