wc 7th December

Date: 12th Dec 2020 @ 7:03am

Hello there everyone,

Just a short blog post this weekend.  Almost there – one week to go – and then it’s Christmas holiday time and we made it through a whole term!

Last week in class we continued with our Advent Promise trail and did some wonderful writing, imagining what it would have been like to be the donkey, carrying Mary all the way to Bethlehem. The children had some excellent ideas for their writing and used some effective descriptions, “a huge responsibility”  “happy and proud to be asked”  “exhausted after travelling along the dry, dusty road” were just a few of the lovely phrases used in their religious writing.

In our literacy lessons, after having made our superhero stick puppets (see photos attached) we proceeded to write instructions for other children to follow and have a go. Instructional writing was the order of the day and the children tried hard to write instructions using all of the features.

In maths we are continuing with our money unit.  Please try to allow your child to handle money, a money box with pennies and maybe pounds in is a really useful resource in helping your child to count money and recognise coins.  Some children have told me they love playing shop and this is a great way to introduce your child to making the same amount in different ways and working out change.

I will not add any new activities on Purple Mash or Education City over Christmas but there are still many active programs which have been useful in helping children to consolidate their learning this term. Money Matters is the latest set of tasks to accompany this maths unit.

See Mrs Hymers’ newsletter for the details of all our Class Award winners this week. Well done to all the children who through hard work, excellent effort or superb behaviour for learning, managed to earn themselves a certificate or sticker this week.

Next week we have lots to look forward to and I can’t wait for our Christmas Day of Fun on Tuesday!

Happy weekend folks – see you next week.

Mrs TD smiley