wc 30th November we 4th December

Date: 5th Dec 2020 @ 10:55am

Hello there everyone,

What a week we’ve had in Y2! It’s been very busy but we’ve had lots of fun along the way.  We’ve started to rehearse for our infant nativity and it has been very different this year. We’re trying something new because we are unable (sadly) to invite all our loved ones into school this year. Watch this space!

We made our Advent Promises this week and will open a new promise each day up until the day we finish on the 18th December.  Two weeks left until we finish for Christmas!

This week we finished our Addition and Subtraction Unit in maths, we all completed an assessment task to see how we’ve got on. All the children tried very hard and as always I was very impressed with their individual efforts.  Next week we are going to start a new maths unit – recognising coins and counting pence and pounds.

We are continuing to learn our times tables - remember it’s the tens, fives and twos! Times Tables Rockstars is a fun way of developing fluency with times tables.

In our Literacy lessons we have been writing a newspaper report about the antics of the Highway Rat. We had fun thinking of gripping headlines for our newspapers.  Next week we are going to have a go at some instructional writing.  “Bossy verbs” will be the order of the day as these are what we use to open each new instruction sentence. We will be thinking about the correct sequence to write our instructions in and will be using commas to separate items in a list.  I have added a Purple Mash 2Do to help you practise adding commas to lists.

Well done to those children having a go at the optional tasks in Education City at Home.  The tasks help to consolidate what we do in school.

Well done to our Class Award winners this week. Excellent effort as always! See the newsletter for all the details!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I will see you on Monday.

Mrs TDsmiley