wc 2nd November - we 6th November

Date: 6th Nov 2020 @ 8:31am

Hello everyone, 

Welcome back to school I hope you all had an enjoyable half term break.

The children have all settled back into class well and are continuing to enjoy their learning.  This week in class we had a look at all our work we had completed in our "Signs and Symbols" topic and discussed the new learning that has taken place.  The children in our class are very good at describing some of the signs and symbols that are present in the Sacrament of Baptism.  The work in their books is presented to a high standard and they are righttfully very proud of all their efforts.  Next week we will being our topic called "Preparations"  - the children have already had a sneaky preview of what this topic is all about.

If you visit the Y2 Curriculum Tab on the website you will see that this terms topic is called "Heroes and Villains" - the children love this as they get to learn all about some real heroes (Remembrance) and some villains (The Highway Rat).  The topic map will give you more detal about the topic content for this term, in addition if you visit the Key Vocabulary page you will see some of the important terminology that your child will be hearing and using during the course of this term.  The "End Points" page shows you the intended outcomes for each of the curriculum areas!

We started this week by all reading together Julia Donaldson's "The HighwayRat" it is a great rhyming story which will be at the core of our literacy work this term.   If you visit YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZLsI4pm17A this is Julia Donaldon's "The Highway Rat" you will be able to listen to her read the story aloud.  I know lots of the children already have this book in their collection, along with many other Julia Donaldson favourites! 

In our Addition and Subtraction Maths Unit this week we learnt and practised using efficient strategies to add and take away.  Some of us found this quite tricky, but not to worry we are going to continue with this next week.  We have been learning how to use what we know (number bonds to 10, 20) to add and take away more efficiently.  So instead of adding 9+8 and counting on in ones from 9 up until we get to 17 we have been learning to do it by looking at it like this: 10+7 (taking a one from the eight and giving it to the nine to make 10 and then left with 7).  More practice will help us to understand this and work more efficiently!

Well done to our Award Winners this week - see Mrs Hymer's newsletter for more details.

Next week is Children In Need week - again see the newsletter for more details. We will be joining Joe Wicks (virtually) and taking part in the Five To Thrive - 5 ways to wellbeing  - activities next week.  I am really looking forward to it!

This term we are focusing on our 10, 5 and 2 times tables.  With this in mind I have set up Times Tables Rockstars (same login as for Numbots) to help your children develop pace and fluency with these times tables. Don't forget optional on-line homework is avaliable on PurpleMash 2Dos (ten times tables) and Education City (times tables and addition and subtraction).  New for this week is "Gorgeous Grammar".  

This term's written homework for maths was sent home on Wednesday.  Please don't attempt to complete this all in one go, it is intended to be spread throughout this half term.  It will require some  adult support to understand the question formats.  The completed homework should be returned either the week before we finish for Christmas or after the Christmas break. 

Have a happy and relaxing weekend. See you on Monday!

Mrs TDsmiley