WC 25th September

Date: 21st Sep 2017 @ 4:32pm

Hello everyone,

What a lovely week we've had in Y2.  As usual we've been very busy, we really enjoyed playing the hedgehog game in Circle Time last Monday and saying what we liked about the people in our class and why they are special.

In our Come and See lessons we have been singing "God created you and me" and then have thought about all the wonderful things in our world.  We wrote our own psalms giving praise and thanks to God.  

In maths we have been continuing with Place Value and learnt about some new mathematical symbols this week  - < and >.  How clever are we!  We are enjoying applying our skills on the computer.

In Literacy we imagined we were Gregory Cool on holiday in Tobago and wrote our own postcards home.  During discussion time we shared all the different ways people have for keeping in touch with one another.

It's British Values next week - so watch this space!

See you next week,

Mrs Talbot-Daviessmiley