wc 19th October - Halloween Fun

Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 12:37pm

Hello everyone,

Once again it was lovely to speak to so many parents on Wednesday evening and give you all an update on your child’s progress.   As you  know I have been very impressed with all the children’s attitude to learning and their love of school!

We have completed our termly assessment in Letters and Sounds and the children have brought home any words/sounds they are still unsure of.  A new set of words will be sent home when we return to school after the half term break.

Just a note to remind you all  - after the half term the children will be undertaking their phonics screening check which they were due to have in June 2020 but missed due to lockdown. This is statutory and all schools in England will be administering this. The children have been practising  their phonics since we returned to school in September.  I know many of you attended the Y1 Phonics workshop, I have uploaded  some Phonic Screening information and resources if you want to re-familiarise yourself with what it entails.  The audience is “Y1” but this is because in normal circumstances the Phonic Screening is aimed at Y1 children in the summer term and obviously this was missed due to lockdown.  In addition I have put a taster on Education City Homework so you can see some examples of real and nonsense words.  Your child will need adult supervision to read the words aloud so you can see which words your child finds tricky.  Some of the longer words are quite challenging – especially the nonsense ones!  The first screen (set of words) is basic and the second is more challenging.  Do the easy one first followed by the second one  – but remember this is optional, as the children  have been doing lots of practice in school. 

See the Newsletter for all our Class Award winners this week.

We have had a super Halloween “Teach and Treat” day and the children looked fabulous in their costumes.  Please see the attached photos.

Have a fantastic half term break, stay safe!

Mrs TD, Mrs OD and Mrs Ryansmiley