wc 19/02/2018

Date: 21st Feb 2018 @ 5:06pm

Welcome back everyone!

Hope you all had a happy and relaxing half-term.  We have been working hard this first week back.

Come and See

During Lent our first topic is called "Thanksgiving" and we listened to Luke's gospel story about the Last Supper.  We have all had a go at retelling the story in our own words.


The Lost Toys have landed!  We came into class on Tuesday morning only to discover a large group of lost toys! They all had their name tags on and we had great fun getting to know them.  We discovered they've come from a book called "Toys in Space" which we are going to enjoy reading over the course of our next few literacy lessons.  Yesterday we brought our own toys in from home and played with them and wrote about them.  Some of them even joined in with our Reading Comprehension session!

Today we took our lost toys into the dark hall and tried to imagine how they would feel if they had been left out all night in the garden.  We all had lots of ideas for our writing and went on to write some super descriptions of the night sky.

In storytime we are enjoying reading Roald Dahl's "George's Marvellous Medicine" and some of us have even brought our own copies in from home to share at storytime.



We are starting to look at division this week and looking at how it links to multiplication.  We are getting really good at using our times tables to solve calculations and word problems.  We have been making up our own number stories to match the multiplication calculations.  

We learnt how doubling and halving is multiplying by 2 and dividing by 2.  We have been practising doubling and halving numbers today and using the inverse to solve some missing number calculations.  Some of us found this really tricky.  We also had a go at doubling and halving larger numbers by breaking them up into tens and ones to make it easier for ourselves.  This was quite tricky too.

We are all looking forward to World Book day next week!

See you all next week, 

Mrs Talbot-Daviessmiley