wc 16th November we 20th November

Date: 21st Nov 2020 @ 11:15am

Hello there everyone,

It’s been a busy week here in Y2.  For our Come and See topic “Preparations” we have been learning a new song, it’s called “The Promise” and the children sing it beautifully. We looked at some of the words the prophet Isiah said about waiting for Jesus to come.  We have already started with some Christmas traditions in school.  This week we watched the fabulous panto – “The Wizard of Oz” I won’t say too much about it here but watch out for next week’s newsletter for some fabulous photos! Suffice to say a great time was had by all!

This week we have been using column methods to work out addition of two 2 digit numbers. Next week we will concentrate on using this method to solve subtraction calculations.

We are continuing to learn our ten times tables  - multiplication and division facts. Some of us are enjoying playing on Times Tables Rockstars.  This has been set up for the tens initially and then will progress to the twos and fives times tables. From Monday 16th November I have set a two times tables challenge on Purple Mash 2Do, this is the times table we will be focusing on after the tens. After that will come the fives times tables.

In our Literacy lessons we have been thinking about the two different sides of the character of the Highway Rat. Is he a Remorseful Rat or a Vengeful Rat? We watched the character in these different roles (Mrs TD was Vengeful Rat and Mrs OD was Remorseful Rat) and then talked about what a letter to the Duck from the Rat might say.  We drafted some letters and next week we will use our purple pen to edit and improve them.

Well done to our Class Award winners this week.  Many children in the class have achieved “Superstar Status” this week for their excellent attitude to learning.  See the Newsletter for all the details of the individual winners this week.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I will see you on Monday.

Mrs TD smiley