wc 15th March

Date: 18th Mar 2021 @ 2:43pm

Hello there everyone,

We’ve all settled back into school life and have been working hard. It has been lovely for all our class to be back together once more.  For our Come and See topic “Opportunities” we have been learning all about Ash Wednesday and the opportunities that are presented to us during the season of Lent to be the best we can be and follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

This week we have been finishing reasoning and applying with multiplication and division. Times Tables Rockstars has really helped us become fluent with our times tables and this has helped us work efficiently when we are problem solving. Some of us need to keep practising – especially our 2 times tables.  Next week we are going to start a new maths unit looking at 2d and 3d shapes.  I have added an optional MyCity to complete for homework this week. There are also some new 2Dos looking at 2d shapes on Purple Mash.

In our Literacy lessons we have been enjoying the story “Toys In Space” and have produced some rather lovely writing in response to the lost toys arriving in class!  We were very surprised on our first day back as a whole class when we were greeted with a lost toy sitting in our place holding our name card!  Our Letters and Sounds lesson have been fun, lots of us like playing Sentence Substitution and creating some silly sentences. Geraldine the Giraffe has been largely absent from our phonics lessons this weeks, hopefully she may return next week!

Well done to our Class Award winners this week.  Many children in the class have achieved “Superstar Status” this week for their excellent attitude to learning.  See the Newsletter for all the details of the individual winners this week.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I will see you on Monday.

Mrs TD