wc 14th September

Date: 17th Sep 2020 @ 4:20pm

Hi all, 

What sunny weather we've enjoyed this week!  It's been lovely to spend some time outdoors and the children adore our new play park.  The children are really enjoying playing with all their friends again after such a long time apart!

Home Readers went home for the first time on Wedesday 16th - we are still struggling with our depleted stocks so can I just give you another polite remember about returning all books to school.  Thank you. Home Readers are due back in school on Monday and they will be issued again on Wednesday.  Please could you make a comment in the Record Book that accompanies the reading book.  All children have completed an initial reading assessment with me in class so they are bringing home the correct level for their reading ability.  It will help your child tremendously though if this is not the only reading they do throughout the week.  Some children are struggling with their stamina for reading after such a long break away from school. Please encourage your child to read for pleasure as much as possible, paired reading is a useful tool, where you read a page and then your child reads a page and the book is shared this way.  Most children love to snuggle up with a good book and this is a great way of establishing reading habits for the future.  We are enjoying reading "Gregory Cool" together in class and I know some children have already told their parents all about Gregory - this is part of our topic curriculum for this term - Passport to the World!

This term's homework went home on Wednesday, the maths worksheets help to consolidate the learning that is taking place in class.  We are focusing on reading, writing, counting and ordering numbers to 100, place value using tens and ones and addition using tens and ones.  We are following the White Rose Maths Scheme in school and there are some useful resources still available online that many parents accesssed throughout lockdown.

Have a great weekend, 

Mrs TDsmiley