wc 14th May

Date: 17th May 2018 @ 3:01pm

Hello everyone!

We've been working hard on our reading challenges this week and we are incredibly proud of all of our children's hard work.

In Come and See this week we have been focusing on Pentecost, the children have planned their own collective worships and on Thursday green table took advantage of the warm weather and led us in a Pentecost themed worship outside, which concluded in a beautiful rendition of Hallelujah.

In Mathematics we have been working on word problems for multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. The children have found this tricky at times so we will continue our hard work next week. Practice makes perfect!

In PE with Mr Gorner the children have been exploring different kinds of rolls, jumps and ways of moving. We have almost mastered our forward rolls and will be moving onto new and exciting gymnastics next week.

In our History lessons this week we have been learning about African explorer Mary Kingsley and her travel narratives. We discussed what life was like as a woman in Victorian England and how her expedition to Africa crossed social and cultural boundaries.

See you all next week!

The Y2 team smiley