wc 11/12/2017

Date: 14th Dec 2017 @ 1:49pm

Hello everyone,

Well we've had a marvellous week in Y2.  The week started off well when we watched the Junior Performance of "Angels on High" on Monday morning.  It was great fun.  In the afternoon we then performed our Nativity play for Reception class and all the juniors.  The dress rehearsal went really well and everyone tried their very best.  On Tuesday and Wednesday we performed our plays for our friends and family.  It went really well and we all felt very proud of ourselves.  As soon as that was all over we started practising for "St Mary's Sings Christmas" which we are going to celebrate in church next Wednesday.

Come and See

We lit the second candle on our Advent wreath and said our Advent Prayers. We watched a short film showing Mary and Joseph and their trusted donkey travelling to Bethlehem.  We then did some writing imagining we were the donkey and what it felt like carrying Mary on that very special journey to Bethlehem.


We have continued our unit looking at 2d and 3d shapes naming them, sorting them and identifying some of their properties.  We have explored 3d shapes using the polydron which we all love!


In our English lessons we have looked at how we can add adjectives to nouns to add more detail and to improve our writing.  We have also used handwriting practise to help us learn our weekly spellings.

Next week we're looking forward to watching the pantomime and playing Christmas Bingo in class. Oh and don't forget Christmas dinner!  What a busy week!

See you all next week,

Mrs Talbot-Daviessmiley