wc 1/10/18

Date: 4th Oct 2018 @ 1:43pm

Hi all, 

We've had a great week this week learning "The Owl and the Pussycat" by Edward Lear and are looking forward to performing it in assembly on Thursday afternoon.  The children have started some lovely writing "message in a bottle" and are trying to write in the style of Edward Lear.  

Come and See

The children have worked in groups to plan and prepare our worship this week.  They added some lovely fishes and butterflies to the prayer table and sang beautifully.


We have been investigating sequences of numbers, forwards and backwards in steps of 2, 3, 5 and 10.  We enjoyed working on the computer. Some of us completed the PurpleMash tasks for homework.


The premier sports teachers came in and worked on a dance session with us,  it was really fun.


We are enjoying our art topic with Mrs Johnson and are producing some artwork to celebrate the Harvest Festival.

PS Don't forget to have a look at PurpleMash, there are some 2Do tasks set but you can just browse through all the different programs, there is something there for everyone.


See you all next week,

The Y2 team smiley