wc 10th September

Date: 13th Sep 2018 @ 3:41pm

Well as usual we have been very busy in Y2.

Come and See

We have been talking about new beginnings and what they mean to us.   We agreed that they can bring on a range of different emotions and we began to explore the reasons we might have these different feelings.  We imagined we were on the phone talking about a new beginning and describing how it felt.


We have continued with counting and have begun to look at the place value of numbers using tens and ones.  We are pretty good at breaking down numbers into the tens and ones and we can show this in our books.  We have tried some reasoning this week - looking at finding all the different totals we could make with two die.


We have finished our comprehensions about Gregory Cool and are just begiinning to think about the postcard he might write from Tobabgo.  We looked at some postcards that Mrs Talbot-Davies has been sent over the years.  Some of the postcards were 25 years old!  Next week we are going to have a go at imagining we are Gregory and write our own postccards.



In PE we enjoyed developing our games skills with Miss Chapman from Premier Sports.  Some of us have already signed up for sports clubs.



We have enjoyed making passports and exploring new places in our Geography topic with Mrs Johnson.



Well what can I say!  We had a brilliant morning developing our scooter skills with the sounds of George Ezra in the background.  It was fast paced, fun and certainly a new skill for some of us.


See you next week!

Mrs TD and the team smiley