Tuesday 9th June Blog

Date: 8th Jun 2020 @ 12:24pm

Welcome to Tuesday’s blog!

I’m impressed with how many of you accessed Purple Mash and TT Rockstars yesterday. Well done for keeping at it and working hard!


So, after my request for updates yesterday, I have had a couple of pictures from Dylan. I know many of you have been keeping in touch, but for those of you that may not have- Dylan wanted to let us know about his half-term:

He went for a socially distanced bike ride in Blackpool with his family; he has been on lots of walks near his house and is ready for the final half-term in school. He also managed to enjoy one of his favourite meals from KFC, and even had a haircut, courtesy of his mum! It looks brilliant, Dylan 😊



I wonder if any more of you have had hair cuts at home? It might be your first one? Or maybe you have done something you were really excited about during the holidays? Keep in touch guys, and send your pictures in- it is lovely to see you/hear from you!


Work for today:


If you saw yesterday’s blog, you will already be aware of the project I will be helping you complete over the coming weeks. I won’t be posting a task EVERY day, but at least a few times a week there will be an activity to add to our Local History topic about St Helens.

For today, here are some old pictures for you to have a look at and answer some questions on/ write about:



This picture is from 1882. Can you see any clues that tell you what it is a picture of?

Is there anything unusual in the picture?

What can you see?

Does it feel like a welcoming place? Why? Why not?

What do you think is different about it compared to today?



This picture is from 1899. Can you spot any differences to today?

What is in the middle of the picture?

What about the clothes people are wearing?

Is there anything missing?

How are people getting around?



Finally, this picture is from 1959.

Where do you think it is?

Who are these men?

What are they doing?

What is it the men have got hold of?

Does it look like an inviting place to be?



I will reveal more information about the pictures, tomorrow 😊. In the meantime, see what you can find out about them.




Remember you have a letter to write from yesterday’s task, so I won’t be setting you writing today. However, if you have finished it, maybe you could edit and improve it?



Here is a website for kids which has lots of information about St Helens on it. Your task for today, is to read the information on the page, and create your own Reading Comprehension questions for it!


Challenge yourself- choose 10, 15 or 20 questions and write down the answers to go with them!

Once you have done that, maybe you could ask somebody to answer them at home, OR post them on the school blog for everybody else to answer 😊

You could mix the questions up a bit-

  • Multiple choice questions give people answers to choose from.
  • Ordering events is a good way to check people have read it all the way through.
  • Asking people to share their opinion on a question helps to check their understanding of a text.




Here are some measurement games for you to have a go at on’ Top Marks’:


BBC Bitesize also has a full section on measurement for you to learn about:




  1. If Jonny ran 5.03 kilometres, how many metres did he run?


(Hint- there are 1000 metres in a kilometre)



  1. Jennifer runs 5 kilometres on both Monday and Thursday, 2.5 kilometres on both Wednesday and Friday, and runs 20.25 kilometres in total, how many km did she run on Tuesday?

Give your answer in kilometres first.

Can you work out what this would be in just metres?



Keep up the hard work, Year 5 – I’m proud of you all!

Write to you tomorrow!

Miss Davies 😊