Tuesday 31st March

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 11:39am

Hello again! 

Happy Tuesday to you all. I hope you are all well and keeping yourselves busy. 


I have just spent some time marking all of your wonderful work on Purple Mash. I have added some more work to our class display board. If you complete any work, you can also share it with others by posting it on our class display board, too. As an extra task, I have set up a weekly diary entry. It would be lovely to hear all about what you are getting up to during this time. This 2do is set up now and will repeat every week for the next few weeks. 

Again, I would like to say how pleased I am with those of you who are working so hard to produce work to be proud of. It is so wonderful to see so many of you putting in lots of effort and I can see from all of your comments that you are really enjoying completing the work on Purple Mash. Today, I would like to give a special mention to 3 people: Chloe, Hope and Myla. Chloe wrote an excellent information leaflet all about hand washing and why it is so important. Hope's newspaper article about the sinking of the Titanic was just brilliant to read and she tried hard to use ambitious vocabulary and punctuation (I almost did a little happy dance when I read it!). Finally, Myla produced a brilliant piece of artwork of a volcano erupting. You can see these pieces of work on our class display board. Have a look, be inspired and try to get your own work on the board, too! 

Well done to Beau; he is our current Times Table Rockstar. I am so impressed by your speed! Keep going, guys. I can see that a lot of you are accessing it and I really hope you are enjoying it. It is a fun way of remembering those all important times tables. 

Now, as well as completing online learning through Purple Mash, don't forget you have plenty of paper based activities to complete too. I would love to see how some of you are getting on with your projects. If you can, send an email to the school address to let me know how you are doing- you could even send some photographs so I can post them on this blog. 

Also in your packs are some pictures that I included as writing prompts. If you have already used them all, or you are struggling to find something to write, then I suggest using Pobble365 (http://www.pobble365.com). This is a website I use all the time to find pictures for you to write about. Each day, the website posts a new picture that you can use as a writing prompt. If you scroll down past the picture, there are questions you can answer about it (improving your inference skills) and usually, there is a story starter or an idea for a piece of writing you could complete. The pictures are very creative and I am sure there is lots you could write about. If you complete any writing you are proud of, please send it to me so I can read it. It is so important that you take pride in your work. I love to read your writing and it is one of the things I am missing the most about being in school (other than our random conversations and funny moments). 

That's it from me today. I am just going to leave you with a very short but important message from Doctor Morrison. 
Speak to you tomorrow,

Mrs Naylor 



ps ... Yesterday, I  told you that I would be taking up a new skill while we are away from school and I wanted you to guess what it was. I mentioned that I would be giving away clues each day. Today's clue is that I am going to need to be VERY patient, If you'd like to guess what it is that I am going to be learning, get in touch! Maybe tomorrow's clue will be even more helpful...