Tuesday 28th April

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 1:38pm

Happy Tuesday, everyone!

A new day means a fresh start, a chance to be better and to be happy- try to make someone smile today! It will make you feel good, too. 

Yesterday, I set you a new project, which is based around the NHS. Not only is it fitting for our current situation, but it is also an opportunity to win a competition. Today, I am going to explain the next part of your project, which will look more in-depth at the NHS and the different roles you can fulfil. 

Little shout out to Beau (again- you really are working hard, Beau!) for his work yesterday. He really enjoyed taking part in the NHS activities. Here is his self-portrait with words to describe him...


The previous task was all about you: what you liked; what you think you are good at; what you think you might need to work on and what your hobbies are. This is all in preparation for today's activities. Hopefully, by thinking about your own strengths and areas for development, it will help to narrow down your career choice and give you an idea of what kind of jobs you might want to do in the future. Obviously, with the NHS offering over 350 different roles, it would be great if you wanted to go into one of those jobs, so why not learn all about them?

Today's tasks are a little more time-consuming than yesterday's, so I'm going to give you two days to get them done. Tomorrow's blog will therefore just be a catch up and some shout outs. yes

If you follow the PowerPoint I've attached to the blog, you can't go wrong. Here are the activities you need to do today...


1. Look at the picture on the slideshow and see if you can list as many different jobs as you can that could be involved in it.

2. Read through the information following the picture, which gives some examples of the jobs and what they involve.

3. Read through Sophie's story and Ajay's story on the PowerPoint.

4. Out of the jobs mentioned, choose 5 jobs in the NHS that you would like to learn more about and have a look at their roles on the completed job cards attached to this blog. Pick one of them and complete the blank job card provided, filling in everything you know about the role and what you think would make you good at it.

5. Once you have chosen a job that interests you, apply for it by completing the application sheet provided. 


As I said earlier, these activities will take you a while, which is why I am going to give you plenty of time to get them done. Just like yesterday, these activities are fun and interesting and will teach you a lot about the NHS. If you fancy a challenge, there is an extension task, which is all about you. It asks you to consider your future and where you'd like to be in the future. This is a great way to plan for your future career and how you plan on achieving any goals you set for yourself. Remember- a goal without a plan is just a wish! 


Now, before I leave you to continue your learning, I have to give a very special mention to Ava S. I received an email from her this morning that made me very happy. Ava has been working incredibly hard from home. Firstly, she has created this fantastic model of the Titanic. I'm sure you'll agree it is brilliant. Well done, Ava! yes


As if that wasn't enough, Ava has also been working hard on last week's WWII project. You may not know that Ava's great uncle was involved in the Second World War. She has based lots of her learning around him, which is just fantastic. I am so impressed with this, Ava. Not only did you complete the task, but you were able to relate it to your life AND you used some of the key terminology I had asked everyone to find the meaning of. This really shows me you've learned a lot. (Photographs of Ava's project are attached at the bottom of the blog for you to see). 


Right, I'm going to stop waffling on now so you can get on with your project. I will check in with you tomorrow, but remember, you've got two days to get these activities done. 

Keep up the good work!


Mrs Naylor heart



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