Tuesday 23rd June Blog

Date: 19th Jun 2020 @ 5:24pm

Hello everybody! :)

Work for today:

Sports to start

Here is another challenge for Nationsl School Sports week from Sports4Kids-

This is their YouTube channel- find challenges for each day!


Here is Tuesday's challenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmV0NKogPPQ


Also, you could try this quick workout: Star Wars- ‘Use the Force’ -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNTTMeduOw0


Complete the Reading in your workbook- 'The Unsinkable Giant'


I have set you an activity on Purple Mash :)

Topic & BBC BITESIZE- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons


Maths: Subtracting Decimals with different decimal places

English: Analysing Performance Scripts


Lastly, I have some fascinating work to tell you about!

Anna emailed me yesterday with some information she wanted to share, which is linked to our Local History topic, and in particular- mining.

Her great, great grandad used to work at a mine in Abram (a village in Wigan) called the Maypole Colliery. Her Grandad was an Engineer there, and was even awarded an MBE (Member of the British Empire) for his bravery in the Maypole Colliery Disaster in 1908, when there was an underground explosion! 

How proud you and your family must be, Anna! This is so interesting.

Something you may not know, too, is that my grandad and his dad used to work at the Maypole Colliery as well! I wonder if they knew each other?

Thank you for sharing this information, Anna!

If you would all like to read more, I have attached Anna's work at the bottom of the page!

Have a marvellous day!

Write tomorrow.

Miss Davies :)



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