Tuesday 21st July

Date: 21st Jul 2020 @ 6:05am

Good morning Year 1......only two days to go!

I hope that you are all feeling happy and well this morning and maybe some of you are feeling excited that school officially closes for the summer tomorrow!

Have you read the lovely welcome letter from Mrs Talbot-Davies?  Both herself, Mrs Ryan and Mrs O'Donoghue are very excited to be meeting you all in September and feel sure you are going to be more than ready for Year 2!

I am attaching a couple of transition booklets for you to beginning completing today and that you can then continue to work through over the summer.  One is for english and one is for maths.


Well done to Jessica who emailed her short story over to me yesterday.  I am very proud of her handwriting, her stamina (how much she has written) and the fact that her Mummy says she did it all be herself, apart from a bit of help with a few tricky spellings!  Well done indeed, Jessica!  I've attached it at the bottom here for you to have a look at and don't forget, there's still time to send your short story in via email either today or tomorrow.

Well, that's it for today's blog but I'll be in touch tomorrow.

Until then, take care Year 1 and keep smiling.

Mrs Taylor x heart


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