Tuesday 21st April

Date: 21st Apr 2020 @ 2:35pm

Hello again, you lot! 


Are you missing school yet? I bet some of you miss it more than you'd care to say wink. Today is yet another beautiful day, so don't forget to make the most of it and get some fresh air and some exercise. I've had my daily exercise today by walking Charlie. We both feel better for some fresh air- he's currently snoring next to me! yes


Mrs Hankin is doing something very impressive from home, which you could take part in, too! She has found out how many flights of stairs she could climb to reach the equivalent of the top of the Empire State Building in America. She managed to do this in her own house last week- how amazing! Well done Mrs Hankin- you are today's special shout out. 


Now, there are a few things I want to talk to you about today. The first thing I'd like to talk to you about is BBC Bitesize. Each day, they are providing children with lessons in a range of subjects from maths to music and everything in between. If you have a look at today's activities, there is a great one on modal verbs: why not brush up your knowledge and become a modal megastar? This is the link you can follow. 



An important message:

BBC Bitesize is planning a lesson on Friday (24th) all about transition to high school. You will be able to watch videos, look at some frequently asked questions about going to high school and it will hopefully alleviate any nerves you might have. This is the link that leads you to the specific lesson. Please do try to have a look at this- I think it will really be useful to you. laughyes



As well as BBC Bitesize providing you with lots to do, Click CEOP are also producing online safety workpacks every fortnight. Being at home more means that you are all more likely to be accessing the internet more (as is evident if you are reading this blog). Staying safe and being aware of the risks and dangers of the internet is extremely important. If you follow the link provided, it will take you to their website, where you can download this fortnight's pack. 



Shout outs!


Well done to Caitlin. Before the holidays, Caitlin mentioned that she was creating her own volcano. I asked her to send me a photograph when she had finished and here it is! I think you'll agree, it's pretty spectacular! Well done Caitlin. yes


Georgina has also been busy. Do we have any fans of The Greatest Showman? If so, have a look at this! Georgina has rewritten the lyrics to fit with our current situation regarding the Coronavirus. I think this is wonderful. Well done, Georgina and thank you for sending this to me. 

I wash my hands and I can see some hands that are super clean

Coz I’ve not left my home

Through the dark through the door through what no ones had before

I’m still in my home


They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy

They are saying, they are saying do your shopping online

I can’t bare, I can’t bare it I’m going crazy

I’m about to lose my mind


Coz every night I lie in bed

The tastiest foods fill my head

A million treats are keeping me awake

I think of a bit more quarantine

There is no way that it can be

A few more months of what it's gonna take

A few more months for the lives we’re gonna save


Clapping for the NHS

What if I have a tickle in my chest?

A million walks I can’t stay awake

I think of what the world is like

Everyone is using skype

More toilet roll is all it's gonna take

More toilet rolls we’re gonna block the drain


More shops they can build

Our shopping trolleys will be filled

With things grown every day

Special treats I can buy

Each one there to make you smile



They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy

They are saying they are saying to do shopping online

I can’t bare, I can’t bare I’m going crazy

If you runaway, then you’ll be fined


Every night I lie in bed In bed

The tastiest foods fill my head

A million treats are keeping me awake

I think of a bit more quarantine

There is no way that it can be

A million dreams is all it's gonna take

A million dreams for the world we’re gonna make


However big

However small

Let me help out some more

To the world we clean

To the world I close my eyes to see

 I close my eyes to see


Every night I lie in bed

The tastiest foods fill my head

A million treats are keeping me awake

I think of a bit more quarantine

There is no way that it can be

A million dreams is all it's gonna take

A million dreams for the world we’re gonna make


Now, yesterday I mentioned giving you a project. This week's project is a topic-related one (mainly history and a little geography). Yesterday was the start of a new term and we were due to start a new topic called 'Blitz Britain'. This topic is all about World War Two (sometimes written as WWII) and I think you are going to really enjoy it- it is a very sad but interesting topic to learn about.

I am going to split up the project into stages for you- this will take you a while, so I suggest you do a little every day. 



Firstly, I want you to find out the answers to the following questions and write the answers in your exercise book that was sent home as part of your home learning pack. 

1. When did World War Two take place?

2. Why did World War Two start?

3. Why did World War Two end?

4. Who were some of the main individuals involved in the war?

5. What was a concentration camp and who went to them?


The second part of your project is maths-related. I want you to use Purple Mash to create your own graphs and pie charts using statistics from the war (this is set as a 2do for you). What I would like you to do is to research some figures from the war. Here are some ideas you could look at and put into your graph:

  • Number of soldiers drafted in to fight in different countries
  • Number of countries involved in the war and their populations at the time
  • Number of civilians who died from each country
  • Number of soldiers who died from each country
  • Number of aircrafts / guns / bombs produced and which countries made them
  • Number of people who were sent to concentration camps (and how many survived, died or were killed)
  • Number of survivors from the war (you could go one step further and separate them into different nationalities- how many Brits, how many Americans, etc)

You can choose one of the bullet points, a couple of them, or you can ignore these and choose your own WWII statistic to look into and place on a graph. Once you have inputted the information into your graph, you can click the buttons at the top of the screen to see your data in a range of formats (bar charts, line graphs, pie charts, etc). 


The final part of this week's project is to research and find out the definition of some war-related terms. Completing these tasks will help you to gain an understanding of the war and how many people's lives were affected by it. 

* air raid

* artillery

* Luftwaffe

* allies

* fascism

* Gestapo

* Blitzkrieg

* civilian

* communism

* Nazi

* holocaust