Tuesday 21st April Blog

Date: 21st Apr 2020 @ 10:15am

Good morning everybody!

Did you know that today is the 33rd day of Spring, meaning there are only 61 days left until the Summer season?

It is also ‘World Creativity and Innovation Day!’

To celebrate, here are a list of websites and some ideas you might like to have a look at that could inspire you to get CREATIVE:

https://www.scouts.org.uk/the-great-indoors/ (Scouts- Indoors)

http://www.crunchzilla.com/code-monster    (Computing Code Monster)

Paint/ Draw a picture for key workers or for people who are having to stay at home all of the time.

Bake something new

Take an interesting photograph of something inside your house, out on a walk, or in your garden and write about/describe it.

You could even event or make something that people could find useful during lockdown?

(It is also National Tea Day, too- so you could learn how to make a cup of tea for somebody if you don’t already know?)

Also, have a look at the file at the bottom of the page for even more ideas!


Speaking of creative, I have had a lovely email this morning from Anna with an absolutely FANTASTIC poem she has written. I hope she doesn’t mind, but I couldn’t help but share it with you all as things like this make me so proud- well done, Anna!


Also, have a look at this fantastic work from Ben. Remember the doctor task I set you, where you had to tell me what we should do to stay safe at the moment? Well take a look at his example below. Well done, Ben! It was very detailed, well written and I was super impressed with your great advice!

Dylan has also been very busy lately, and one of the many things he has done is make these fantastic Easter nest cakes- YUMMM! They look delicious, don’t they?

A great big shoutout to GEORGE, BEN, MAYA and ANNA for already completing their SPaG activity from yesterday, too, that was really quick!


So hopefully you are all back, hard at work and making the most of this special time learning at home.

I wonder if anybody has been reading any good stories lately, or has completed any super hard maths challenges?

Remember to email school with what you have been up to:


Keep up that hard work on Times Tables Rockstars, too. Let’s see who can become a Rock Legend next…


Today’s Y5 Maths lesson on BBC bitesize is all about ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION so why not have a go?

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zfdpnrd -this is the link


Finally, remember to keep moving every so often, guys. It will make you feel loads better! Read, write, draw, research, whatever you choose to do today- enjoy it!

Speak to you all tomorrow!


Miss Davies 😊

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