Tuesday 16th June Blog

Date: 15th Jun 2020 @ 4:57pm

Good morning, Year 5!

How was your Monday?

I hope you had a productive day and had plenty to do!

As you had lots of work to do yesterday, I only have a few things for you to do today, but before we begin, I wanted to share with you an exciting email I have received:


Lucy S has been really enjoying getting stuck into her St Helens project and researching, especially because her Nan worked for Pilkington’s- how exciting is that?! So, she has managed to interview her nan about what it was like to work there, and has even sent me the interview and answers to share –



Lucy also shared an interesting fact she found out:

Did you know that Pilkington's head office tower block can't be knocked down because it is a listed building but also can't be renovated because there is asbestos in the walls?


Here is a picture of Lucy with her cat, doing her research 😊


This made my day, Lucy- I’m so glad you are enjoying your project, and I bet your nan is loving reminiscing about her time working in such a fascinating place. Thank you!



Work for today:

I have attached 2 booklets- one is a ‘Classroom Secrets’ Booklet and the other is a ‘Headstart’ booklet with lots of English and Maths activities in for you to have a go at.

These should last you a few days, along with the measurement booklet and the topic work you have been given.


BBC Bitesize lessons today are:

Maths- Writing fractions as decimals and percentages

English- Imagery and figurative language in poetry

Geography- The Lake District


You could also have another go at the Fun Fitness Bingo I attached on Friday’s blog?


Write to you all tomorrow, children 😊


Miss Davies

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