Tuesday 12th May Blog Week 6

Date: 11th May 2020 @ 6:06pm

Hello everybody!

Welcome to Tuesday’s blog.

I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday and didn’t feel too bombarded with activities from my blog!

Just a couple of things to tell you about today really:

Firstly, I have been very busy starting your reports for Year 5 recently, so if there is anything in particular you feel I need to know- maybe some work you have done that you are particularly proud of, or something you have got even better at doing that you might have found difficult before, please let me know😊 You can share this on your blogs if you like- or if you’d rather it was more private, I will set up another Diary entry for you to do on Purple Mash and share it with me on there.


So, how has the Science been going?

I wonder if any of you have managed to do the experiment yet?

I have set a few more Science 2dos on Purple Mash as part of our ‘Properties of Materials’ topic.


I’m missing seeing some of the fabulous work you have been doing, so if anyone has anything they have done recently- maybe something I set last week, or yesterday- get those pictures coming in if you can!


Work wise:

Alongside the Science I mentioned above, I have also attached a Reading Comprehension for you at the bottom of the page.

It is about an animal that lives in the Rainforest!

You decide which one you want to do:

*  = mild

** = spicy




Today’s Bitesize lessons are:

Maths: Equivalent Fractions

Writing: Powerful Speech writing

Geography: Sustainability and Plastics


Keep up the hard work, children!

I will be setting some more artwork soon based on Beatriz Milhazes.


(Please let me know on the blog if I am setting too much for anybody, or if it is just enough, as I can’t tell at the moment, and don’t want you to be bored, or panicking!)


Write to you all tomorrow,

Miss Davies 😊

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