Travelling Ted and Other News...

Date: 25th Sep 2020 @ 10:21am

Hello everybody!

It’s been a busy couple of weeks in Year 2. Mrs Ryan and Mrs TD are delighted with the wonderful start that everyone has made. It is fantastic to see all the children trying to be the best they can be. 😊

Here is a little snippet of what we have been up to recently…

In our Literacy lessons, we have been writing our own stories about going on holiday- just like ‘Gregory Cool.’ We have been working hard on our handwriting and making sure we use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

In Numeracy, we have been learning about place value and have been identifying tens and ones in two digit numbers. We have also been solving word problems.

We are really enjoying our topic work about different places around the world. We have used our Art skills to create our own passport style pictures. We experimented with tone by drawing light/dark lines and learnt that different grades of pencil produce different thick/thin, light/dark and hard/soft lines. Our passport pictures are going to be displayed in the Infant Cloakroom for everyone to see!

In our Computing lessons, we have been learning about E-Safety and have also been practising some of our ‘Key Skills’ such as logging on and off, typing and searching. We have enjoyed using Purple Mash to practise sending E-Mails safely and learning how to blog and share our work securely with our teachers and classmates.

In Geography, we have been learning about the UK capital cities and their landmarks. We had a special visitor in class this week- Travelling Ted. He told us all about his trip to London (the capital of England) and we helped Travelling Ted to write a postcard to his family describing what he had seen.

It is fair to say that everyone has worked very hard and deserves a well-earned rest this weekend. Take care everyone. 

Mrs Ryan & The Year 2 Team heart