Thursday 30th April

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 2:13pm

Hello again, Year 6.

Hope you are all well and keeping up to date with your learning from home. 

Just a little reminder that you have lots to keep you occupied: 2dos on Purple Mash; daily workouts with Joe Wicks, Oti Mabubse or Supermovers; Timestables Rockstars (nobody has beaten Hope yet!); daily lessons from BBC Bitesize; and White Rose Maths parties each day. Keep those brains working!

Today, I would like to give a little shout out to Harry. He has been working with his sister, Amelie, from home and they have been looking at the human body. They recreated a human body by drawing around Harry and filling in the organs. Have a look at the finished product!

Another little shout out goes to Ewan. I had a lovely email from him today: he told me all about how much he has learned since starting the NHS competition project. He has been researching the different roles within the NHS, paying particular attention to those with interesting names! Well done, Ewan. I hope you have learned lots. I bet your competition entry will be brilliant.

Speaking of the NHS project, I am now going to give the final part of the project- the competition entry! You will be glad to know that all of your learning so far will help you to complete it. 



As you can see, taking part in this competition is personal to you: you decide how you would like to thank the NHS in your own way. You could write your own poem thanking members of the NHS, you could produce a piece of artwork, write a prayer, compose a song, produce a story- the opportunities are endless!


The judges are looking for someone who goes the extra mile with their project. 

The projects will be judged in two ways: 50% of the project will be assessed based on your knowledge of the NHS, the different roles people play and how stereotypes are challenged (for example, men can be nurses and midwives, women can be doctors, etc). The other 50% will be assessed based on its creativity and how attractive your project is.


The more you show off what you know, and the more attractive you make your project look, the more you have a chance of winning a prize. Attached to this blog is a link to the competition guidance video, which you can have a look at. NOTE: when you watch the video, ignore the competition deadline date. It has now been extended. You have until the 19th June to complete your entries. 


Once you have completed your entries, you can send them to me via our school email and I will post them on a gallery on our class page to showcase your projects. I can also submit your project on your behalf on the Step into the NHS website. 

Good luck, everyone! Show them everything you have learnt and make it relevant to your own life (think about a time someone you know has needed the NHS, or talk about how it might influence your career choice in future). 


I won't be giving you another task tomorrow- I really want you to focus on your competition entry for the next couple of days. Make them the best they can be. I know you will. yes


Speak to you tomorrow,

Mrs Naylor heart

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