Thursday 30th April Blog- Week 4

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 8:15pm

Gooood morning everybody!

Welcome to another Year 5 Home Learning Blog- Day 4 of week 4, to be precise, and the last day of April!

I hope you have all had a great week so far- almost at the end, and ready for the weekend 😊


I have to say, I am really impressed with how well the blog is doing on Purple Mash so far.


Eleanor, Keeley, Anna, Maya, Jayden, and James

who have all been posting on there already. If you want to read about what they have been up to, pop over to the blog on ‘2blog’and find out! Let’s get some more posts and comments going, guys!

In other news, Ben showed me a diary entry he hand written at home, in school today. I have to say, I was blown away at how good it was, so huge round of applause for Ben- well done!

Amelie has also sent me an email this morning- she has been working hard with her brother, Harry. I won't tell you much more about that though, as I think she wants to share it with you on our class blog- so keep an eye out! :)

So everyone, work today:

BBC BITESIZE have the following lessons online today:

English- Using brackets

Maths- Short division

R.E.- Introduction to Islam


Topic/ Brazil- ART:

So, as promised, here is some topic work for you:

During our Brazil topic, we would have been looking at work by a Brazilian artist called ‘Beatriz Milhazes’. Her work is stunning- so colourful, bright and interesting.

1. Your first task is to research Beatriz Milhazes and create an information poster or PowerPoint presentation about her life. Have a look at these websites for some information about her:


At the bottom of this page, I have also saved a Photo pack of some of her work, along with some question cards for you to answer:

  1. Choose one of the images
  2. Look at it closely and notice the colours, shape, textures, line, mood, space and pattern of it.
  3. Read the questions and answer each one on a piece of paper entitled ‘Beatriz Milhazes’- you could do this on a blog, Purple Mash writing template or just on a Word document on the computer.
  4. Can you find any more paintings by Beatriz on the internet and make a collage?
  5. You could even practice some of the patterns she chooses for her work in a scrapbook or on spare paper.



Remember to get in some Joe Wicks, Cosmic Kids Yoga or Supermovers, too! Has anyone managed to look at the TopYa! app, as well , or even created their own workouts?

Speak to you all tomorrow- last day of the working week!

Stay safe and keep smiling you lot!

Miss Davies 😊

P.S. in case you were all wondering- Bob is fine and says he is enjoying some peace and quiet, but he is missing your faces!

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