Thursday 2nd July Blog

Date: 25th Jun 2020 @ 2:59pm

Hi again, everyone!

Sorry it's late today- the website has been down! :(

One more get- up left!

Are you all as tired as I am feeling?

I bet you have all been working super hard!


Amelie certainly has, again! Check out this wonderful piece of writing she sent me yesterday, which is all about how Glass is made:

Amelie is super lucky, because her Nan works at The World of Glass in St Helens. 

What a fantastic explanation/information text, Amelie. I really appreciate you sending this to me, and I am impressed you are still dedicated to your topic work. Well done :)


Let's do this!


Work today:



SPaG Game- try these apostrophe games-

SPaG worksheet attached below: using colons and semi-colons

Home Learning Pack: Using Suffixes

BBC BITESIZE: Using imperative verbs to write instructions


Home Learning Pack: Counting Squares

Activity Mat 4 (Monday’s Blog)

BBC BITESIZE: Measure and identify angles around a point



BBC Bitesize: German- Days, months and time



One of the 60 second exercise challenges:

Or maybe even this Zumba Dance Party: 


Write to you all tomorrow 😊

Miss Davies

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