Thursday 2nd April

Date: 2nd Apr 2020 @ 1:16pm

Happy Thursday, everyone! 

This week seems to be flying by! I hope you are managing to have a productive week. Your home learning packs were quite large, so hopefully you haven't run out of work just yet!wink Keep going with them, we don't want all of your fantastic learning to be forgotten while you're at home. From the sounds of your diary entries on Purple Mash, you are all working incredibly hard. 

It is lovely to hear so many of you are enjoying Joe Wicks' P.E. lessons- Ava mentioned in her diary entry that she's got sore legs since taking part! Maizie has also been keeping active on her trampoline. Keeping active is excellent for your physical and mental health. Keep it up!


Today, I would like to give a special mention to Ava S. Ava, I am really pleased with all of the work you have been doing, Your work on Purple Mash is of a good standard and I was thrilled to see an email from your mum with some writing you had done! Here is a poem Ava wrote about one of the picture prompts I provided in your packs...

Who is this girl in the mist?

Dark clouds and a creepy building ahead,

All together makes you dream in your head.

It makes you feel nervous and scared,

It could just be a story that you have heard.

What is the building you can't really see?

Condemned or haunted, let your mind run free. 

Well done, Ava! I am so pleased to see that you have used the prompts and sent your work in for me to read. Keep working hard, you're a superstar. 

Also, I would like to give a special mention to Tom H and Aaron. Both boys have been completing their 2dos on Purple Mash and I am pleased with the work they had produced. It seems like you enjoyed doing this boys, well done. I enjoyed marking them!

Maizie, you are also a superstar! Not only have you completed lots of work on Purple Mash, but you have been very busy doing other things, too. Maizie has been planting fruits and vegetables in her garden, baking cakes and having some down time on her gaming console, too. Remember, it is ok to have fun as well as completing your work! Here is Maizie's information leaflet all about earthquakes, 

Finally, a big shout out must go to Georgina; you are today's Times Table Rockstar. Your speed is really increasing. Keep going- you haven't beat me yet! Come on Year 6: get on it and try and beat me! 

Before I leave you to your work, don't forget there are lots of different websites you can visit to complete further work. I mentioned Pobble365 the other day, which is good for writing, I also mentioned White Rose Maths and the parties they are holding everyday. Today, why not visit BBC Bitesize? This is an excellent website for researching your topic projects. You can also use the information you have been including in your Purple Mash leaflets. 

Before I go, I haven't forgotten to give you today's clue. I know there are a few of you who are curious about my new skill (including Mrs Hymers!) but nobody has correctly guessed yet, Today's clue is that I am going to have to take note to succeed. cheeky


That's it for now. Keep up with the good work, children. I am really proud of you all. 
Mrs Naylor laugh