Thursday 26th March

Date: 26th Mar 2020 @ 9:13am

Morning, everyone.

Well, today looks like it's going to be another beautiful day! The sun in shining, so it would be a great opportunity to get out in the garden. You could take your home learning pack outside and do some work, or you could go out and read a book. If you're feeling restless, it might even be a good idea to do some exercise or play sports. If outdoors isn't something you can access at the moment, there is always Joe Wicks' PE lesson at 9:00 on YouTube (channel name: TheBodyCoachTV). See if you can improve your fitness levels before returning to school!

Please make sure you are continuing to work every day; you should complete 2 pages of maths and SPaG in your booklets daily, or work on your test papers. If you're feeling creative, maybe today you could use the picture prompts I have provided you with to do some writing. I am very much missing reading all of your fantastic writing and would love to see what you are getting up to. If you manage to write something you are proud of, send it to our school email so I can have a look at it. You never know- I might even publish it on our blog for others to see!

A big shout out goes to Caitlin: you were the first person to hand in work on Purple Mash. I was so impressed with the amount of effort you put into your work. I am also pleased to see a few other people accessing Purple Mash and making a start on their 2dos. Just a gentle reminder that I will be checking your work to make sure you've tried your best with it. I may send it back for you to redo if there is something missing or I think you could make it better (you know me- I'm a little bit fussy!)

Today, I have set a few more 2dos for you. One of them involves writing a newspaper report about the sinking of the Titanic, a topic which we are very familiar with and can write knowledgeably about. I have also set a 2do to paint a picture of an erupting volcano! surprise

In other news, Oti Mabuse - a professional dancer from the programme 'Strictly Come Dancing'- has started to teach a children's dance class from her YouTube channel every day. Yesterday's routine was based around Shrek and was absolutely fantastic (I might have a go myself later! wink). If you'd like to keeeeeeeep dancing, follow this link: 

I look forward to continuing to receive your wonderful work via Purple Mash and Education City. In the next couple of days, I will start sharing excellent pieces via our blog as a celebration of all of your home learning. If you want yours to be shared on the blog, make sure you try your best and go that extra mile.  


I will be in touch again tomorrow; in the meantime, continue to BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE.

Mrs Naylor yes